Spring is almost here and we on the SEPAC Board are so excited about our upcoming Spring events! See below for details on our MassHealth Info Night (Tonight at 7pm!) as well as many other parent and child-focused events and fundraisers for the spring!

We Still Need Volunteers!
The SEPAC is seeking volunteers to help organize key fundraisers and workshops in the coming year. Commitment will be isolated to one specific event and committees will be formed to share the responsibility. Planning committees are forming now for the Friends of SEPAC Summer Concert and Food Truck Event (August 8th, corresponds with final Summer Concert on the Green).
Email norfolksepac@gmail.com if you are interested.
Don't miss these upcoming SEPAC Events!

Tonight! MassHealth Info Night
Monday, March 11, 2019
H. Olive Day School Library
Even with private insurance, some families and children with disabilities will qualify for MassHealth as secondary insurance coverage. Have questions about adding MassHealth to your family insurance options? Cathy Hickey, Family Support Navigator from Mass Family Voices will share information about the MassHealth application process and answer your questions.

Thursday, March 14, 2019 - SEPAC General Meeting
H. Olive Day School Library
Join the SEPAC Board to discuss upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and the 2019/2020 School Year SEPAC Calendar.

Thursday, March 21, 2019 - Parent's Mixer
British Beer Company
280 Franklin Village Drive, Franklin, MA
Come join us and Kreativ Paint Parties to socialize and network with other Norfolk parents while you paint your own drink ware and enjoy dinner or some apps while you paint!
Monday, April 1, 2019
Understanding Executive Function and Its Impact at Home and in School
King Philip High School Auditorium
201 Franklin St. Wrentham, MA
7:00 pm
Note: This event is currently sold out, however a waitlist is available. We will contact any waitlist registrants immediately, if tickets become available.
Come hungry! The SEPAC will be hosting a bake sale, as well as a book raffle to cover some of the cost of this event!
Come hear Donna Kincaid, of the "Institute for Learning and Development" talk about Executive Function deficiencies and how to support your child through these challenges.
This presentation will provide parents with a clear understanding of the term “executive function” and how executive function weaknesses affect children in school and at home. Parents will also learn how anxiety can affect one’s ability to plan, organize, and complete tasks (e.g. homework and chores) and typical behaviors that often result. Parents will leave with specific strategies to help their children (and themselves) to decrease anxiety and increase productivity.

Thursday, April 18, 2019 - Peek-a-Bunny Storytime by Kristen McCabe Publishing
Norfolk Public Library Community Room
11:15 AM – 1:15 PM
Join your friends during April Vacation for a fun Bunny-filled Storytime! Peek-a-Bunny is a family friendly, interactive book that lets you play with little Baby Bunnies while you listen!
Get Your Walking and Running Shoes ready for the first annual:
Friends of SEPAC Cinco de Mayo 5K Fun Run
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Norfolk Town Green
Join SEPAC Families for some family fun! Run, Jog, Walk, or Stroll around Norfolk and help support the SEPAC! Following the run, bring your family for some refreshments, music, and kids activities on the town green (weather permitting).
Sponsors Include:The Chubby Chickpea, Uncle Eddie's BBQ, Sarcastic Sweets, TC Scoops, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Commonwealth Real Estate
Music and Entertainment By: Exhale School of Dance, Berkshire Valley Boys, ImagineThat Facepainting, Art by Jen Callei, Bouncy House courtesy of Taylor Rental Norfolk
Registration Details: https://racewire.com/register.php?id=10269
RACE INFORMATION Date: Sunday, May 5, 2019
Registration: 8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
Start Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Norfolk Town Hill, 1 Liberty Lane Norfolk, MA 02056
Cost: $20
Registration: Register online here or at the Norfolk Public Library on race day
Dogs: Dogs are not permitted on the race course during the race
T-shirts: Can be purchased for $15 via online registration
After Party: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Want to Volunteer? The SEPAC is looking for volunteers for After Race Entertainment and Games, and Course Cleanup as well as families that would like to signup to be Mile Markers. Contact norfolksepac@gmail.com if interested. If you are unable to volunteer but know of a vendor(s) that would like to participate please contact us. We are also accepting items for race day prizes and raffles as well as looking for local entertainment.
Parent Education
Did you know that even with private health insurance, Mass Health is available for adults and children in Massachusetts with qualifying disabilities?
Mass Family Voices is an organization that supports families as they enroll in Mass Health. Mass Family Voices shares the following information about MassHealth for families with children who have a disability:
If you have a private, primary insurance policy, your child with a disability may be eligible for supplemental insurance coverage from Mass Health called CommonHealth.
Eligibility for CommonHealth is based on a determination of a qualifying disability for a child.
There is no income eligibility or limit for CommonHealth, but there is a sliding scale premium assessed which is based on income.
When a child qualifies for MassHealth CommonHealth, the family may then apply for Premium Assistance that helps pay monthly insurance premiums.
Mass Family Voices also provides families with tools to make informed decisions, advocate for improved public and private policies, build partnerships among professionals and families, and serve as a trusted resource on health care.
Helpful Links
MassHealth Connector: https://www.mahealthconnector.org/get-started/individuals-families
Mass Family Voices: https://fcsn.org/mfv/
Mass Family Voices Application Instructions: https://fcsn.org/mfv/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2015/04/How_to_apply_masshealth.pdf
Locate an Enrollment specialist to help with your application: https://my.mahealthconnector.org/enrollment-assisters
SEPAC Book of the Month
This month our upcoming speaker Donna Kincaid recommended the following book:
Nowhere to Hide: Why Kids with ADHD and LD Hate School and What We Can Do About It

A new approach to help kids with ADHD and LD succeed in and outside the classroom
This groundbreaking book addresses the consequences of the unabated stress associated with Learning disabilities and ADHD and the toxic, deleterious impact of this stress on kids' academic learning, social skills, behavior, and efficient brain functioning. Schultz draws upon three decades of work as a neuropsychologist, teacher educator, and school consultant to address this gap. This book can help change the way parents and teachers think about why kids with LD and ADHD find school and homework so toxic. It will also offer an abundant supply of practical, understandable strategies that have been shown to reduce stress at school and at home.
This important resource is written by a faculty member of Harvard Medical School in the Department of Psychiatry and former classroom teacher.
Our Mission
The Norfolk Special Education Advisory Council exists to:
Raise awareness and provide thoughtful leadership on the benefits of special education in the community
Develop a platform where parents can share ideas, identify concerns, and support families of children with special needs
Develop, maintain, and share tools and resources for parents of children with special needs
Advise the School Committee on matters that pertain to the education and safety of students with disabilities
Meet regularly with school officials to participate in the planning, development and evaluation of the School Committee’s special education programs; and
Assist the district in coordinating the presentation on the rights of students and their parents and guardians
Promote diversity, acceptance and inclusion of students with disabilities in all district and community activities
Promote social enrichment by hosting parent support groups and periodic events for children in the Norfolk community.
Norfolk SEPAC Board
President: Taiese Hickman
Vice President: Jo-Anne Gilbody
Secretary/Treasurer: Pia Mack
Director of Communications: Karen Murphy
Director of Events: Michael McCarthy
Grant Administrator: Karen Mazzola
Parent Outreach Coordinators: Brian Mack and Sarah Cardoso
Contact Us
Email: norfolksepac@gmail.com
Facebook: @norfolksepac
Instagram: @norfolksepac
Twitter: @nsepac